Milana Golich
I am a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University. I received my PhD under the supervision of David Ben McReynolds. My current mathematical interests lie in group theory, geometric topology, geometric group theory, number theory, dynamics, arithmeticity, rigidity, and discrete subgroups of Lie groups.​
About me: I am from the city of Chicago. You can catch me listening to hip-hop, drinking tea, or visiting an art museum. Lately I have been reading the works of Kaveh Akbar, a Purdue grad and best-selling author, who seemed to have made it into academia from humble beginnings like myself.

M. Golich, M. Pengitore, Rational cohomology and Zariski dense subgroups of solvable linear algebraic groups, submitted. arXiv
M. Golich, D.B. McReynolds, Diamonds: homology and the central series of groups, submitted. arXiv
M. Arnold, M. Golich, A. Grim, L. Vargas, V. Zharnitsky, Square and bow-tie configurations in the cyclic evasion problem, Nonlinearity. 30.5 (2017), 1773-1787.
​​Currently teaching:
MA 265 Linear Algebra (Spring 2025)
Instructor of record:
MA 266 Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2024)
MA 262 Differential Equations and Linear algebra (Fall 2024)
MA 16020 Applied Calculus II (Spring 2020)
MA 16020 Applied Calculus II (Fall 2019)
MA 16020 Applied Calculus II (Spring 2019)
MA 158 Precalculus (Fall 2018)
Teaching assistant:
MA 162 Calculus II (Spring 2018)
MA 162 Calculus II (Fall 2017)
​JMM: 'Women in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics' in Seattle, WA (Jan. 2025)
Texas Geometry and Topology Conference at Rice University (Nov. 2023)
Dynamics, Rigidity, and Arithmetic in Hyperbolic Geometry at ICERM (May 2023)
Topology Students Workshop at Georgia Tech (July 2022)
Geometry, Arithmetic, and Groups at UT Austin (June 2022)